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Monday, May 17, 2010

Digestive Function and the Nervous System

by Georgianna Donadio, MSc, DC, PhD

Now that the connection between the brain, nervous system, organs and tissues has been identified in the previous blogs, the next step is to connect that information with one of the major components effecting health and wellness status – the digestive system and how it relates to our nutrition.

The single most reported complaints in all hospital emergency rooms are digestive relative complaints. The most “stress affected” system of the human body is the digestive system. According to the October, 2008, Drug Topics News Magazine for Pharmacists, in 2008, American’s spent 5 billion dollars on over the counter digestive or “stomach” remedies, with an expected 40% increase by 2010.

Wouldn’t it be helpful to understand and educate others on how and why they are suffering from digestive ailments?

We all know people who eat organic, natural food and are meticulous about the quality and quantity of what they put in their body and are sick, tired, plagued with health issues. Then there are others who eat anything and everything, the good, the bad and the ugly and have energy to burn, not a pimple on their entire body and feel great.

Often, what this is the result of the function and efficiency of their individual nervous systems. Those who have an active “sympathetic” nervous system, with the tenth cranial nerve reeking havoc with their alimentary canal, they are the folks that no mater what they eat and how, pure, clean and organic it is – they just don’t do well and feel ill and unwell much of the time.

For the individual with a well tuned central nervous system and balanced “para-sympathetic” cranial nerves, the digestive system can be a culinary playground that accepts all types of nutrients and food stuffs and produces ample nutrition without up set or illness.

What makes one nervous system different from another, one person’s experience different from another? It has more to do with the limbic system of an individual than any other single factor, with the exception of the rare congenital or pathological occurrence.

The next installment will explore more about the digestive system and it's intimate relationship with other systems including the immune system, reproductive, circulatory and endocrine systems and what can be done to improve the overall health of the digestive system.

With all good wishes,

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